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Shania583 is offline
Old 11-19-2011, 12:29 AM

(Oops sorry about not posting sooner just realized now :headdesk:)

Kaylee was sitting on her bed with her back facing the door staring at the wall. She had gotten used to the straight jackets by now and was glad that they never really attached the arms. She was sitting crossed legged and leaning on her hands thinking about what life was like outside of these walls. She always sat staring at the wall as if trying to see threw it every morning until her food came. She could only remember part of her past and she always wondered if things ever changed out there when she got taken. She had found a way to hide her horns now, just by putting her hair up in pig tails covered them well enough. Sighing she leaned backwards and let her head dangle off the bed and looked at the door waiting. When the door opened she stayed where she was until she saw that it was Mike and he was carrying food. She smiled saying "Mike!" and quickly sat back up and turned around to face the door where he was. He was the only person who she would talk to not really wanting to talk to the other people who seemed to be controlling them, they seemed to be mean. She took the food that he handed to her and started to eat while he talked. She looked up at him saying “Sure when hasn’t it been alright.” She then continued to eat while she waited to see what he said.

Last edited by Shania583; 11-19-2011 at 01:45 AM..