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The one who will always help.
Fluttershy is offline
Old 11-27-2011, 08:35 AM

Lola scooped out the eggs and cracked more into the slab of iron on the left side of the stove, pulling out the finished meat and again setting it aside. Going back to the icebox, she took out a jar of cold bacon fat, getting a spoonful and putting it into the skillet to melt. “Dear, whenever you want to speak, you can. But don’t hesitate to ask for anything you like!” Lola turned to her with a reassuring glance, as she poured a bit of flour, then milk into the skillet and used the whisk to manipulate it constantly. As it thickened, she added a bit more milk, diluting it until it needed more flour. When the skillet was half-full of the mix, she added the beef and stirred it in.

When the gravy and eggs were finished, she placed them aside and went to the icebox to put the remaining eggs away, along with the milk, butter, and bacon fat, and got out a bundle of dough. “Made this a couple days ago.” She said. “Good for biscuits, and doesn’t take long.” She pulled out small handfuls of the dough and formed them into discs, placing them on the iron slab side-by-side until the entire thing was filled, then, with a towel, lifted the slab and put it into the oven. Taking up the last strip of beef, she seasoned it with salt and pepper, a rolled it in a bit of flour, and laid it into the skillet to cook with what remained of the gravy.

Finally, Lola turned her attention to the white oranges. Taking the bag, a glass pitcher, and an object that looked like a long mushroom, she put them on the table near the young lady with a knife. “If you want, you can make the juice.” She said. Grabbing a deep bowl, she took it and a flat screen to the table as well. “Just cut the oranges in half, juice them into the bowl with the juicer, then put the screen over the top of the pitcher and pour it in!” She nodded. “I’m going to wake the others now, I’ll not be long.” With that, she turned and stepped away.