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When Did I Become This?
Kisu is offline
Old 11-28-2011, 07:41 AM

"-And I wondered!...About the stars!...-" Almost on cue Avery LeChance's bass voice cut through the early morning air, leaking out of the cracked bathroom door along with the steam. His dark brown locks almost matched his roommate's at the moment, darker with the shower water.

A few minutes later, and done with his song, Avery stepped out of the shower. "Water off." He stated, the singing done, so his voice returned to the quiet tones it normal had. His reflection stared back at him as he flossed and brushed his teeth. He was skinny, probably too skinny, but he forgot to eat quiet a bit. Always too much to do, too much on his mind. His blue eyes reminded him of a crystal lake under the ice. A piercing blue. His best feature.

With a sigh he turned away, slipping his tan frame into his uniform, consisting of beige khakis, a blue shirt, and the green apron. He worked at a flower shop, sadly enough. It had been the only job he was able to get, though the hydroponics plant under the store was not his first choice.

Brushing his hair with his fingers, the male waltzed into the living room, flopping unto the chair across from his roommate. "Late night Aiden?" Avery questioned, his easy smile on his face. "Whatchu up to now?"

(Thanks so much! I'm back for a while. I figured I'd have him do the first kill in a post or two.)