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sunnybunny is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 02:43 AM

What is that? A fox? Its too small and cute to be a fox! And I'm allergic to foxes.... But maybe if I sniffed it I'll find out! Ellie thought to herself and then she decided not to since the idea sounded creepy and weird. So instead she grabbed out her hand to touch it but then stopped when she started listening to the man's warning about the little creature. She dropped her hand and looked up to smile at the older man's face, "It's ok, I already treat Elliot as a friend even though he's a stuffed bunny and I treat Haru as a really close friend even though he's escort who's sleeping off the food he stole from me!" the young heiress reached down to poke the small thing and she smiled as she realized how soft it was. The creature reminded her of the cat he used to have but it died of old age. Then something clicked in the girl's mind, Ellie decided to give the man her cookie since he gave her a small fluffy fox creature right? Ellie nodded to herself and handed the cookie to the man, "Here's a cookie," the girl said bluntly, "You should be my friend. I'm Ellie."