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Hero Complex
Kry is offline
Old 11-30-2011, 03:12 AM

][god you said fencing and I imagined people fencing with eyeliner pencils. It was very messy but not in a bloody kind of way.][

Numei's eye popped open and he blinked. Staring down at Veda, clearly surprised at what she had said, and a bit more surprised when she turned around and clung to him. He lifted his hands, holding them up a bit, as if unsure of where to put them or what to do at all. "Why..Why do you say such things?" He gave her back a slight pat with one hand, and tentatively pat the back of her head with the other. "You shouldn't say things that you don't mean. Besides, I wouldn't let you kiss me anyway, probably." Numei shivered. Kissing led to painful things sometimes. Numei turned his head slightly, to look at Casimir, giving him a 'what do i do?' kind of look before his attention jumped to the tiny creature on top of the head of the female speaking with Casimir. " that?" Should he be afraid of it? Or should he be admiring it's cuteness? He'd never seen a whatever it was before.