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Gemini is offline
Old 12-11-2011, 05:20 AM

Rosemary was walking down the street.she had just finished moving her few belongings into her large loft apartment in town, the kind artists used as studio was nice, and very well priced.she needed a hot chocolate, she decided, and had set off to find the cafe she had heard so much she neared the cafe, she felt an odd sensation, like a stirring of power, begin deep inside of her and spread through her body.she felt two very strong auras nearby, one familiar in a way she did not understand and one so cold and evil that she shuddered away from it."so much for my hot chocolate." She said, and ran towards the source of the disturbance, her instinct leading the way.what she saw froze her in her tracks, but only for a moment.she was a warrior, and didn't hesitate at a battle.she pulled a pan flute out of her pocket and started playing a tune that would sound like a dog whistle to any sour e of evil nearby.