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MissPinkDolly is offline
Old 12-12-2011, 12:40 AM

Caitlin was sitting on the edge of her bed rubbing her temples, wondering why she would do this to herself she muttered "Why did I ruin my life...Why'd I do this to myself..." she looked down she could feel her eyes swelling up with water as she said this. Her stomach was still flat and she could still pass for a healthy, normal 16 year old girl. She didn't know what to do or what would happen if she told her parents. She tried to imagine her telling her parents and the conversation would end up being good and happy but every scenario that came to mind ended up making her breakout into tears. Caitlin fell back onto her bed sobbing deeply into her pillow, she could believe her eyes when she first saw that little pink plus sign but on the eighth try she finally accepted the truth; she was in fact pregnant. She clenched her blanket tightly thinking about how Devion would be taking this situation. She thought to herself 'he doesn't want me; or our baby. he's going to find another girl, and I'm going to be stuck with a baby.' Caitlin was so angry and upset 'WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO ME?!?! WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME?!' Caitlin's face was buried deep into her pillows as she began to belt her lungs out screaming when, Jessica **Caitlin's best friend since 1st grade** came into her room. Jessica said "So, Cait... Baby issue's?" she chuckled. Caitlin lifted her head to see Jessica "Jess!! Come in and Close the door.". Jessica did as she was told and then said "Haven't told the 'rents yet?" Caitlin wiped the tear from her eyes and said "Not in so many words..." she sat up properly and the hit her bed to tell Jessica to sit down. Jessica walked over to her bed and said "you know you have'ta tell 'em sometime...BUT until you do Im here for `ya moral support and all.." she laughter obnoxiously and so did Caitlin. Caitlin fidgeted with her fingers and said "I don't think my baby's going to have a daddy, Jessica..."