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Awesome doesn't even begin to explain me~
Wavi is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 08:52 PM

USER: Wavi

SEEKING ROLEPLAYS: Can contact via PM.

OPEN TO CRITIQUE: Yes. Feel free to rip it to pieces.


"Code Red. I repeat, Code Red."

The speakers lit up with an electronic sounding voice that played the same message incessantly. As the place was in shambles due to the alarming call, one man looked far too out of place. His black lenses veiled his eyes and his matching black fringe accented his pasty-white skin tone. Pale lips were drawn tight as he swept past the chaos that had erupted in the office.

Making his way to the elevator, the agent removed his shades to reveal closed lids. As the elevator door clicked open, a pair of taunting red eyes flicked open. The fist of the man slammed into the wall as the other one punched A1.

Just as the doors were beginning to close, the room lit up. The sounds that echoed down the elevator shaft reminded the male of fireworks.

“Agent Soul Reaper reporting in. Mission completed.” His tone dripped with delight. It was evident that killing people came easy to this agent.

Despite what most would think, he had calculated the blast radius of the C4 to ensure that his ride down to ground level would be flawless. Although, the scent of burning flesh still managed to trail down to his nostrils. Most would have turned away in disgust or, perhaps, even vomited. But this man? He just stood there with a cocky smirk on his slender face.

When the doors finally slid open, he slipped from them and picked his way through the rubble. He was in search of his ride – a sleek, black bike. Eyes finally fixing on its location, he reached his right hand to his right ear. There, wrapped around his ear, was an ear-bud that transmitted his voice (and location) to his headquarters.

“Looks like I’m clocking out early today, boys.”

Lips falling in on one another, he dug his gloved hands into his slim pockets to retrieve a small cylindrical tube of lip balm. Applying with such grace, he continued his way to the bike before he mounted it. Engaging the key, he rode into the golden sunset that was just starting to kiss the earth goodnight.

Not wearing a helmet, his hair rippled in the great gusts of wind that zoomed past his head. Shades back in place, they seemed to reflect the ever-setting sun that so rudely tried to blind him. It was almost a picturesque moment. Black leather, black bike, black hair, and, of course, black shades. Everything about him was dark. Even the silhouette his body cast on the ground looked almost demonic. Some rumored that his shadow came equipped with horns. Although, there was no reasoning behind this phenomenon, people knew it to be true. He was, without a doubt, a demon among men.

With the city in ruins due to his handy work, the agent was heading home. The ride was quite and long, but it was just what he needed -- to get away from it all.

As his eyes landed on the small cottage that drew nearer, a smile crested his face. For the first time in a long time, he wore a smile on his face. It was a rare sight to see, or at least that’s what people say.

“You’re home,” her voice sent a shiver down his spine.

Pulling the sunglasses from his face, the six-foot two-inch male punched out his kickstand before he sauntered over to the woman.

Her tantalizing sapphire eyes locked with his. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered into his chest. Wrapping her hands around his zipper, she found herself tonguing the male’s bare chest. Chin resting on the valley between his tight pecks, the blonde-haired woman titled her head up. Hoping to catch his lips with hers, she let a playful smirk dance on her face, which mimicked the seductive look that glistened in her eyes.

For years, he had waited for this moment. Ever since he could remember, he wanted to feel her lips against his, again. Again and again. All he wanted was to run away with her and to put his past behind him. However, he knew such a thing wasn’t possible. Not now. Not yet.

“I’ve missed you, too.” Biting her lower lip, his crimson eyes hinted at his heart’s true sorrow.



She turned her head away to hide a shed tear from him. In that same moment, he turned his head away also to hide teary eyes from the woman before him. With both glancing away from the other, the male by the name of Rroy Skytun took the woman’s hands into his own. Lightly pulling her in, Rroy wrapped his arm around her body. They nestled just right, falling perfectly into her every curve.

“You shouldn’t have come,” Aleu Black said through gritted teeth.

His job had gotten the best of him, and she knew it. He was a killer. A cold-hearted killer. Rroy had signed his life away to serve these people. He was an agent. But, more specifically, an assassin, which was the one thing kept their love from blossoming. It was also the only thing that kept him from proposing to her.

He had tried to escape that life, but found he couldn’t. He had sworn on his life that he could stay until he completed his last mission. A mission that would, without a doubt, bring about his own demise.

At the very beginning of his term, he whispered to the devil that he would do anything to become the most powerful man in the world. The devil told him to join the agency Rroy is currently employed at. He then told Rroy that ultimate power could only be achieved if he did the one thing the devil wanted the most. So what did the devil want? Why, he wanted to stay in power. To do that, he needed his daughter slain. The only thing standing between Rroy and his desire of true power was one woman. One innocent little girl who knew nothing of this promise. This pact between the devil and Rroy.

As you’ve probably figured out, the woman Rroy was sent to kill was no one other than the woman he loved the most. Aleu Black. She was his target. The one reason why he couldn’t fulfill the devil’s mission. The one and only reason he was stuck in a rut. She was this problem and he couldn’t do a damn thing about it. Well, he could, but he would forever lose the love his life.

How was he going to break her heart this time? He wasn’t certain. He knew what he needed to do and for the past twenty-three years of his life, Rroy couldn’t succumb to killing Aleu. However, things were looking bleak for him these days. The organization was going under. In no time, he would be without a job. No job meant that his mind wouldn’t be kept busy. Meaning, he would think of her.

Pulling Aleu close to his chest, Rroy’s trembling hands fingered the slender blade that he had strapped to his wrist. His left hand snaked up her neck as his lips collided with hers.

Tongue to tongue, mouth to mouth, Aleu never saw the end coming. When her eyes shot open, the world around her started to fade. His eyes were stained with tears and his lips trembled as he watched her body fall to the ground.

“Rroy,” she whispered with her final breath, “I love you.”

Those were the death of him. Numb to the core, Rroy collapsed to the earth. Looking up at the sky, he wondered if it was all worth it. But before he could even find out that answer, the sky opened up and a single bolt of lightning shot down from the heavens, piercing his heart. In a pool of blood, the lovers meet their fate.

Some say that he planned it all. That he knew lightning was going to strike him down. They say that he knew his death coming and he didn't want to go the after world alone.

There are two graves side by side in the backyard of the house they bought together. Although they never tied the knot, the stones read, "Never even death can do us part."
J -- He was an amazing agent/assassin. Couldn't advance or quit without gaining power. To get said power, he had to kill the devil's daughter.
1 -- He ended up breaking things off by killing her. The ultimate way to end things.
e -- At the end, he was at home and it was storming

Last edited by Wavi; 12-23-2011 at 08:56 PM..