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Shadami is offline
Old 12-23-2011, 10:28 PM

I hope I'm not posting to early... but Nalin's event sounds very much fun and I want to join in! ^-^

Username: Shadami
I choose door number: The 10-sided dice lands on 5
Q&A: I don't actually celebrate Christmas. At least, in the buy crazy amounts of presents sense. I do receive gifts from people that do celebrate it, and I do celebrate it in the 'it is time to get together with family' sense. I used to help my grandmother direct her Christmas tree before she went into a nursing home.
I thoroughly enjoy the delight and happiness that this season does bring, so I will say I completely participate in that sense. :D and when I do have some money, I try to get something small at the very least for my friends and family that do celebrate it. Otherwise, I wait until Ayyam-i-Ha (which is in February).
Also: I love wrapping gifts!