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Mr. Mayor
Mr. Mayor is offline
Old 12-24-2011, 08:57 PM

Day 10 - 1st: Leave Saint's Pole late morning.

Departure time ~ 10:30AM........ Arrival in Rochelle Harbor ~ 12:45PM

Information on Rochelle Harbor

Now we have a straight run, down out of the hills and across the southern plain to the coastal port of rochelle Harbor. The train line is built upon a causeway as it draws closer to the coast, as the area, though beautiful, is treacherous with tidal marshes. Whilst not safe for the unwary human, these marshes are a haven for wildlife, becoming home for many migratory birds during the winter months.

Rochelle Harbor is this winter's host for The Sugarplum Village! Ths is not a true village at all, but a traveling seasonal fair run by a confections master and her students. This is the first year it has visited Menewsha and I am excited to visit it!