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Peas & Carrots
JayRose is offline
Old 12-25-2011, 11:23 AM

The boys where looking back and forth at Ryan and Seth, has they talk about Victoria. They were getting annoyed that the two were ingoning them but they didn't want the two to stop talking.

"Ah, now I remember! Her and I, had music and art class together, we didn't chat much just a 'hi' and a few words but nothing more." Ryan, said looking to Seth.

"Yeah, she wasn't much of a talker....well she still isn't but she smiled and laughed much more back in Jr. High." Seth, rubbed his chin in thought.

"She used to have much longer hair and wore her glasses all the time, unlike now." Ryan, looked to the guys and than back to Seth, "So why is it they never meet her?" he knew the guys were dying to know why they've never meet.

"Ah, well at first she...well was hard to even get close to she would be in the most unusual places and I could never get her to agree to come over or let me come over to her house. After about 4 mouth of bugging her everyday she agreed to hang out with me after school or walk home with her." he said with such a soft smile on his face as he told the story, "After our first year together we got to know each other much better, so we would meet on weekends and do school work together at our house's." he said happily, it had taken him so long to get closer to her and the more he tried to get closer it got harder for him to ever think of letting her go.

"So how did we never meet her or even run into her!!" Zack, demanded getting irritated. Rogan, was the first one to agree with Zack, on that one! For four year he could have known that girl, instead of just barely two years.

"Oh well, you see..." he hesitated looking at the five of them, "What!?" They all said together, veins pumping on their foreheads, "Well..." Seth looked embarrass about what he was going to say, the soft pink blush came back, as he scratched the back of his blond hair, "He started messing around more with the girls at this time and so they weren't around each other as much as they had been in the first two years." Ryan, filled the blank that had been killing them, "What? Really, you just cut your friendship off like that man?" Zack, peeped in crossing his arms over his chest, "Even I think that's pretty mean." he said with a pout, Zack was such a child when it came to relationships with girls, so he knew what mean could be.

"Ah, no!" Seth said waving his hands in defense, looking panicked, while sweat seem to slid down his temple "That's not how it quite happened." he's voice went from high and panicked to low and guilty, "I was getting popular with the girls, yes and I was liking the attention but you guys know how it goes you give one girl to much attention and the rest single her out and put her in her places or something." he rubbed his head getting annoyed at thinking about what happened to Victoria, "Well, Victoria and I, were always together at school, also inseparable." he looked to his friends and they nodded their heads in agreement and understand where he was getting at, egging him on to tell more, "So they took it into their hands to make sure Victoria, didn't get a big head and with the way that girl acts it was to hard to tell that they were doing anything to her." he was getting more mad at himself for the fact that he couldn't tell that his friend and the girl that he liked was getting hurt, "One of her friends ended up telling me that these girls had called her out and taken her behind the school to have a 'talk' when I got there I knew it was my fault for what happened to Victoria, and stopped it before they could do anymore." he finished, letting a sigh go and leaned back in his own chair

"Ah, so a bunch of b***'s were bulling her and you didn't know a thing. So you left her alone so she wouldn't get bulled more?" Alex asked but said it more matter-o-fact like.

"Pretty much, she said it didn't bug her and that she didn't care what they said about her but I couldn't bring myself to let her go through that anymore." he saw them nodding there heads again, they've all been through something like this but never with a girl that was a friend, "It's not like we stopped being friends, we hanged out on the weekend every once in a blue moon and we talked a lot on the phone or e-mailed each other, we just kept it low is all." again he let a sigh go, "I guess that's why you guys never knew we were friends, we still don't talk much here either but I would have thought you guys seen us talking when we go out as a group and crap?" he said scratching the side of his face.

"Well that makes more sense, we were all to busy with the first year of Jr. High and than we barely started hangin' again in the second year so with what happened between you two, I can see why we didn't meet her." Zack said more to himself as he crossed his arms and nodded his head in agreement with himself.
The bell rang letting everyone know lunch was over and that it was time for class.