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¿ʇəʎ ʇɹnɥ ʞɔəu ɹnoʎ səop
Suona is offline
Old 12-28-2011, 09:36 AM

Originally Posted by Ivvy View Post
thank you MIRO

and aww Suona... so sweet of you I am still working out the kinks usin the DAC as a shopping >.<
I wish I could access the DAC. :'(

Can't wait to see how it looks when its done, though. ^^

Originally Posted by Seito View Post
xD I don't own any teals in real life but I'm crazy about on mene for some reason. Probably because I can make sense of it. xD The rest of the blues are too scattered across the spectrum for me to make anything decent out of it.
Really? :o
I seem to buy teal clothes whenever I find them. ><;; The majority of my wardrobe is made of blues, and most of those blues being teal. :lol:

I like the royal blue, but there isn't really enough items in that color to use it uniquely enough.