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Amelia is offline
Old 01-13-2012, 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Ultimate Fanbase Lvr View Post
my mom cuts my hair or my dad depending on if I want it straight or not lol

But my hair is thick enough that its not bothered by the dye. And I take very good care of my hair otherwise. I used to have it long but everyone saw me like i was an angel so i got it cut and its above my shoulders almost touching.
I used to think that about my hair, the thickness. It was true for many years, but recently all the damage I've caused is starting to catch up, and it's really thinning out, so just be careful.

That being said, I can't count the number of times I've bleached my hair, which is the worst so that's probably it.
Right now it's black and purple (been putting color's like that in it since junior high, also one of the reasons it's starting to catch up), it was supposed to be pink but when I was washing it out I accidentally let some of the black run into it and it turned purple. xD