Thread: Site News OMG it's our birthday!!
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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 01-18-2012, 11:07 PM

I think that the item is adorable, but the use of the terminology "Cash Shop" just made me cringe. I honestly hope that a Cash Shop is not coming to Menewsha because it ruins sites. It inflates prices, decreased the worth of gold, and just wastes RL money. Prime example: Gaia Online. If there is one created here, I'm honestly going to be extremely disappointed with Menewsha. That's just my personal opinion. :/

I get that you guys probably want to try and generate more RL revenue or something, but a Cash Shop is honestly just going to ruin this site and I can't see myself staying if it gets way out of control like I'm 99.9% sure it will. A lot of people, myself included, don't have money to constantly put into a forum site like Menesha. CIs every month are bad enough on the pocket, but when you add in Cash Shop items where the only way to buy them is to buy them with real money or to pay the prices in the market/exchange? It's going to make getting items on here even harder. I mean, the Auctioneer items and SNGs are bad enough. Can you imagine putting Cash Shop items into that mix? I dread the scenario and the outcome on both the economy and on the users.

Not trying to be a downer here, just giving my honest and personal opinion.