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Most shy away from conflict. I embrace it, as it embodies who I am.
Andraus is offline
Old 02-07-2012, 02:03 AM

[Draconic Translator this is a Link that has the Dragon Language. There will be times when this will be used, so remember it.]

Darius was outside of his College, Chatting with his Friend, Orion, in Dragon Tounge. He and him used this Language when around people, to Discourage the Curious. They didnt want people to know who they were, so they spoke in this Language, so people thought they were speaking Latin, or somthing. "orion, tepoha wux nymuera de wer familys persvek wer darastrix jilgic, vhira persvek moscow? annyo si nymuera wer gaiden svihelen xoada ekess over-run astahi, shar under-estimated wer viprekilic. astahii jahen completely beat vhira." He said to him.

Orion Grinned at Darius "aye, thurirl. wer gaiden svihelen ui zi versvesh, shar viprekilic shilta still over-whelm. astahii didnt stand vi krehl seanf wer sohma svihelen. wer jilg ui damaged, shar astahii managed ekess itrewic vi jilg di creol di wer vokuun svihelen artifacts. astahii re sending astahi ekess america soon, ekess wer amakawa." he said