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The-Black_King is offline
Old 02-08-2012, 05:23 AM

Mesh got bored of waiting in line for a coffee he turned and nodded to the man reading and made his way out not really trying to hide his magic ora from people. Mesh opened up the door pushing it open during that he saw some girl watching him and the others but Mesh was sick of putting up wit dragon's and slayers he turned down an ally way and made his way down it walking at a steady speed watching his surrounding's when he saw a baby cat in a free cat box. Mesh has always had a thing for cats so he picked up the last one a black cat with white feet that looked like socks. Mesh smiled as the kitten puréed he made his way down the ally way it lead to an old house his house he opened the door "huh look's like no one is home again huh . . . come on kitty iv got something you can eat some where" Mesh made his way the the fridge and got the cat something to eat there were swords every where and spears paper from research and a couple books "Look's like I'm going to have to clean".