Thread: Fickle Destiny
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Old 02-15-2012, 01:52 AM

Delia was in her room, trying to figure out how to move the air around just so to get it to move only the wind chimes hanging in the window. It was the open window, however, that alerted her that something was wrong. Faintly, but getting more and more insistent, the fire alarm from across the street was shrieking. Rising up with the blaring alarm were cries and shouts from other people. Delia jumped off of her bed and scrambled over to her window to get a closer look.

The building was already burning quite a bit, and people seemed to be pouring out of it in a churning mass. She could hear the roar and crackle of the flames over everything else, and it twisted something in her heart. If ever there was a time to see if she could put her new abilities to use, this was it. Hell, it was practically handed to her on a silver platter.

Luckily, she only lived on the second floor, and was able to get outside quickly. Even with how fast she moved, the building was burning still brighter and stronger by the time she reached the other side of the street. Even as she moved, she was running over everything she knew about fire in her mind, which was unfortunately very little. What she did know, however, was that she could only really use earth or water against it. A fire this big would only be fed by air, and more fire would be counterproductive. She glanced around wildly until she saw a fire hydrant. Her mind was working overtime, and she quickly came up with a feasible, insane idea.

Her grip on her elements was tenuous at best, but she still managed enough control that was able to grab the water flowing through and past the hydrant and make it explode into the sky, raining down on everything in the immediate area.