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Old 03-03-2012, 11:35 PM

Azure ran with the group as they all headed outside, ducking the weather as a group. It seemed safer that way. He was never more than a few steps ahead of Krista, wanting to make sure that she stayed safe throughout the run. When they reached the warehouse that wasn't to far from the dorms, but closer to the parking lots, and hence less trees that could potentially fall on them, he relaxed slightly. If it wasn't for the searing pain of the metal eating into the flesh on his face he would have felt that they were all safe. Such a large group seemed far less dangerous, especially when they were about to safe haven for everyone.

Immedietly, he got to work, following the instructions of his fellow classmate. A classmate that seemed to have a better grip on what was going on than anyone else there.

Krista and the other fellow water users who had volunteered kept any attacks that came from the pouring rain at bay as they all ran across the field to the warehouse. I hope this works she prayed.

Raine changed her direction mid stride seeing her... 'friend' still trapped in the air pocket he had helped her escape from. What are we to each other anyways. And why do I give a damn? She scowled at herself, and the wind user that was reeking with evil that she usually thrived on. There was something changing inside her, and these people that were attacking the school were the cause of it. "What, still concentrating on him when you let me escape you old bag of bones?" She screamed across at them, "Scared to take me on? I escaped your little trap, and now you've realized that I'm to strong for you? Is that it? IS THAT IT?? Huh?!?"

She'd be ready this time though, her and Tohru were working together today. Two elements against one was fair in an unbalanced fight of good and evil. They'd caught her before, but she hadn't been prepared for the ferocity of their powers. Now she was ready. "BRING IT ON WEAKLING!"