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Staria is offline
Old 03-14-2012, 05:30 AM

((well they're for students who refuse other dorms actually or people who need to be seperate for health reasons etc. Heiro should be with the teachers on the fifth floor of the main school building if that's okay. xD. As far as students go half humans are usually put in with the supernatural race and if there was a vamp/therian mix they would get to choose their place. Ange's was just the kind to refuse to be put in with the 'blood suckers' so theia went to bat for him to be in the private dorms))

"You are my leader, it is simple as that. You don't have to explain anything," Ziva said quietly, with a little bit of uncertainty in her tone. She really did not know how to react around Waya, it was just so different then her militant and sometimes crew Leopard back had been. Then again as Snow Leopard she had never truely been one of the jungle cats, not truly of their blood. She did not have long to brood, however, as he spoke again.

"Discuss?...I apologize I am not sure what there is to discuss. I do your duties when you wish me too and you do them otherwise. Unless you wish to make your sister your second. I would understand Leader Waya" She responded slowly, seeming a little perplexed. She did not mean to be rude or uppity...she was simply confused. She was not use to anyone really discussing anything with her... Theia had been the first one when she'd appeared before Ziva one day and offered her a place here... where she could learn it was okay to be herself Theia had said. She then turned to the little girl, bowing her head slightly politely to Waya before she did so, a submissive gesture.

"I'm sure we'll all be friends soon... though perhaps you should head to the dorm to put your stuff away? I can tell you're like me so yes you would be in the same dorm. Do you need help reading the rules?" A nervous Ziva said quietly. She was unsure what to say now, being whether she should be doing this or Waya was not clear. He had not told her it was okay to stop..


Theia watched the nervous woman a moment in thought. Finally she quietly reached over to put both her hands over one of the nervous girls hands. She was doing just fine but was still so worried about messing up it seemed...She really hadn't done this before. Theia would try to help her, she'd definitely try to help her. She would speak softly, reassuringly.

"we do exactly what we're doing. We talk about what we like, what we don't like. Things we think are funny, things we think are stupid. One of these day's you'll have to tell me what you liked that your mother didn't... because you can do them here i bet and it be okay... Other things we can do is when one of us is sad we comfort the other. Friends are there for each other, always." She may have continued the conversation when her phone rang. She said a soft excuse me and I'm sorry before she received the call.

"Then you should love my sister, she's the opposite of scum. I'll be there soon" Was her sugary sweet reply as she hung up before he could say anything. There was also a tone of warning in her voice. Insulting or harming her sister was the one thing that could make her angry or violent.... He would be testing her patience she knew... Still she did not show any of this anger as she looked at the two and prepared to quietly excuse herself. She then also felt something in the forest...sorrow.... considering a few people in this school may consider suicide and she knew there were active hunts...

"I'm sorry Beth, It seems I have school business to attend to and my sister as well. Tommorrow lets have breakfast together though okay?' She said with a tone of genuine sorrow. She would then give Beth a hug without warning and would skip out the door. She could be like that some times..... Just assume everyone would go with her plans.

She and chandra both would head outside. She gave chandra the general location of deep sorrow she felt... it's strength why she could sense it even with her guard up. With a nod the two would then split, dashing like shadows in the night. Theia would arrive at the surly man's side quickly, even as she tried to handle everything for everyone. She sighed as she looked at him before she would speak.

"I know your name Jiao, there was no need to add the rest. And Chandra's the only one with the power to help you so you'd best get use to her. I want to be your friend Jiao, don't make it difficult please. The private dorm is this way, we will also have to pause with a new psychic..." She turned and began to lead him towards the newest one to walk in, Roland. She would appear her cheerful self by the time she was there, literally tugging Jiao along by the hand whether he liked it or not.

"A new psychic right? Well here's the rule sheet and I can lead you to the dorm in a moment...I just have to take Jiao somewhere first" She said cheerfully. She would then take Roland's hand in her free one and start leading the two man towards the private dorms. She had no problem with physical contact while her sister hated was quite a combination. Still, she had to admit she felt a little overwhelmed with all she had to do in that instance.


Chandra gave Beth a 'we'll be seeing you' look that was positively almost friendly. She would then leave with her sister, wishing she had her mental sensitivity. Chandra could barely sense other vampires and mainly relied on smell... She shook her head at the thought and raced through the forest. She could smell a vampire as she neared the location her sister had given her. Thank god telepathy could make it so exact. It was one of the teachers... the one that intimidated her teacher.

"Hey....You'll catch a cold like that" she joked once she reached him, her rather sarcastic sense of humor showing itself. She would match her pace to his or stop depending on what he did. She didn't find him intimidating, even if she instinctively disliked all vampires. He was just another person to her honestly, as she didn't really like most creatures. About the only one she liked was Theia and even then she had her moments...

"There are hunts going on so you really shouldn't be here.. teacher or not." She then added flatly, returning to her old self. She didn't appear to feel anything then, now that her sarcastic, teasing smile had disappeared. That was who she was now, however... ice just as her sister was fire. It wasn't just dislike for people but also... she liked how it made her twin shine. Never did she want her darkness to eclipse the other.


Val was momentarily dazzled by him turning on the charm, not use to it. Most boys she'd ran into were intimidated by the sword and her family or her scar. It made her briefly seem insecure, almost soft, but she would defeat the moment quickly. It was just a hunter talking to another hunter, nothing of consequence.... Or she would tell herself as Val was not one to admit she'd had a 'normal girl' moment.

"I'm Val, short for some ungodly long name that no body cares about." She introduced herself with a chuckle. She started to reach forward to give a firm handshake but when he didn't she simply put her gloved hands on her hips. She glanced over to the new arrival. Therian she'd guess... clearly a fighter despite her school girlish looks, you could tell in the muscles. Then again Therians often were all about least according to Val.
I am rping again but will likely only do one to two signatures a day in any given rp. If you are one of my old rp buddies and interested in hitting me up for a rp anyway feel free to drop me a pm!