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Staria is offline
Old 03-15-2012, 12:25 AM

Ziva nodded as he asked her to come again, it had never been in question even if she had questioned why. She was not of the nature to refuse him any request… order of dominance too ingrained in her, sometimes painfully. Still, as he continued her confusion merely doubled. Teach her to lead? Representatives?

”I…I think you over estimate me but of course I will come. I…” She spoke softly and briefly blushed. She ran a hand through her hair in thought as he spoke, not sure he truly understood as a skinwalker how the majority of therians...the cursed therians thought. He seemed to wish to make everyone equals. Most of them came from species based packs, like she did, and were not leaders. Their very instinct was to simply follow a strong leader and the second…whom they expected to also be stronger than they were

She wanted to tell him this, correct him, but at the same time she wasn’t sure she should. She bit her lip, her gaze falling to the ground. She couldn’t. She wasn’t sure he could even understand until he saw it for himself…. Until he connected with them and felt the power of being the local ‘alpha’ so to speak. She wondered if it would change him… she hoped not.


Theia started to say it was nice to meet roland but then the hunter spoke and all other thoughts fled. She was stronger than she looked in many ways but also psychokinesis…not that she was using it at the moment. She was sorely tempted as he spoke, his insult in his words without her having to read his mind. Instantly her aura flared, enough that it would feel hot against roland and the hunter’s skin and could be faintly seen even by those who were not psychic.

No one really knew why she was so strong…why her soul no longer felt human. Some thought it was because of how she discovered her powers, some thought it was her spiritual connection to her vampire sister, and there were many theories. One thing that was no theory however, was her anger as she flung rolands hand aside and turned to glare at the hunter.

”I don’t care how you speak of other vampires but you will not speak of my sister that way, not after what she went through.” She said coldly, all emotion but fury drained from her face. Theia the girl who loved everyone was gone, and the girl who had torn a vampire apart to save her sister as well as herself was there if only for an instance.

She cleared her throat, taking a deep breath to force herself to calm and her aura to shrink down to its dormant, hidden form. She turned her back on them both a moment to hide her features behind her short black hair. Once she gained control again she would grab both their hands once more and pull them along, silent. Whether from anger or embarrassment her preoccupied face did not say. Her mind was filled with memories, of chandra’s little hand clutching scissors as she tried to stab the vampire coming after them. The sound of Chandra’s arm snapping beneath the vampire’s cold hand, her scream as he lifted her weakened body to his lips and the scissors fell to the ground with a sharp clang. No one would ever hurt Chandra for what that bastard did…. No one.