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Staria is offline
Old 03-16-2012, 10:01 PM

((I;ll reply with ziva after talia does XD))

Theia turned to look at him, a cold, almost alien look on her face. He was whining about having to wear a hat as an excuse for judging her sister? Chandra, who had watched her parents die as a mere child, watched her twin tortured, and been molested and mentally tortured by a telepathic and sadistic vampire? Even Theia who had watched their parents and been physically wounded could not imagine the pain Chandra had endured to save her twin from her own hands. He sounded like a child in comparison and her eyes as much as said it. She couldn't even be angry it was just so laughable to her.

"Yes, because hats are such torture you know sooo much about my sister... " Was her cold, sarcastic reply, sounding more like her sister Chandra for a moment then herself. She quickened her pace slightly to arrive at the privacy dorm quicker, her patience with him wearing thin. Silently her mind was turned backwards, so much so that Chandra asked her what was wrong. Theia responded she 'was just thinking' and Chandra responded with one word...the word 'Him'. They both knew who Chandra meant and Theia responded with a simple yes, thinking absently she might ask chandra to bunk with her tonight. Nightmares were not uncommon with the memories Jiao brought up with his comparing Chandra to that...creature. She was beginning to regret her decision to take responsibility for Jiao when she'd convinced her father and the other school supporters to let him in.

"Here is your dorm.... I act as Dorm leader for the Privacy Dorms so if there is a problem let me know..." She said quietly when they reached the dorm. Despite her voice her words were still a little cold and a little sad...and a lot tired. She didn't get despondent often or show anything but her smile often but it was just one of those moments. Jiao's hatred of vampires reminded her to much of her sister's sire's attitude towards humans. They were food and mere animals to him.... He had expected to be able to dominate Chandra's mind to the point she believed the same and would kill Theia as a sign of loyalty to him. He had hurt Theia when it failed, saying he would kill Theia as slowly and painfully as possible but at least chandra could make it quick and painless. It was at that moment something snapped in both twins... and perhaps they were less 'human' for it...

((yes Theia's having an emo moment XD. She's her, she'll get over it quickly. :P he just dredged up some old memories Theia typically buries and just doesn't' face XD. Not the best solution but what has worked for her)