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Smores is offline
Old 03-26-2012, 06:54 PM

Talon nodded as both of the woman had come to him, as he had asked of course. He occasionally corrected the steering of the ship, though the ship seemed to pick up on his direction and correction was no longer needed. Even this fearful crew worked effectively, for now anyways. Still, he had to work out the small details with these two woman, and now Azaela was being called home... that was not really an option Talon would consider.

"First, Verity, we had a deal." Talon put his arm on her shoulder, a sign of the solidness of his word and his truth. "We shall sail to where you like, as you showed a faithfulness at a time of need." Talon pulled his arm back to his person, and gently caressed the mark on his chest. It was burning slightly and was causing an irritating pain. No matter where Verity wanted to go there would have to be a small detour, the ritual needed to happen as soon as possible. Usually the time in between is much longer, but that temporary solution definitely took its tole. Those beasts he had thrown to sea fought constantly for freedom, or at least what sliver of freedom the damned could ever achieve.

"Even you Azaela." Talon turned to his mermaid companion, whom had helped him sever the bond between the spirits and the ship - and help create one between the ship and himself. "I assume that you would like to stay with us. No?" Talon grabbed her and pulled her close. He knew that Poseidon wanted her back, and that she was surely contemplating it for one reason or another... but he had yet to hear of her tales and stories. Of the magics he could help him unlock and obtain. Not to mention, the power she herself wields - and that he temporarily possessed.

"Regardless of the fact you are women, the both of you are always welcome on my ship." Talon crossed his arms and thought back to Ryeks disapproval of women on board. Some kind of superstitious garbage. Though that sentence alone seemed ironic coming from the Captain of such a ship - a demon ship would seem pristine and sacred in comparison. "And if you will stay, I ensure the both of you top spots in my crew." Talon turned to the temporary crew he had obtained form Ryek, at least temporary in Talons eyes.

Unlike Azaela and Verity, they were expendable and unproven. They would come and go like his crews of the past, but these two had some use to them that not every individual had. He would make use of that as long as he could, as long as they would help him.

In return they have him and his ship, an ultimate protection really.