Thread: iRawr x Angel
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X3_iRawr_X3 is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 01:31 AM

Claired uttered a curse when he managed to stop her attack, though, she continued pressing. She was worried that he might kill her. However, she felt his body relax and saw his smile. She raised a brow and scrunched her nose when she had an idea as to why he relaxed. She stood up and pulled him to his feet before slamming him into a shelf, holding onto the collar of his shirt. 'Don't you underestimate me based on my sex" She then attempted to thrown him to the ground and walked away from him and took seat on one of the barrels. She took a moment to think of an excuse as to why she was on his ship.

"If you are wondering why I am, I am merely here for the ride. I'm not wanted in my home town. Seeing this ship, I snuck on. I planned on getting off at the next stop, but I fell asleep and missed it, so looks like you are stuck with me." She glared at him. "I'm surprised I haven't been discovered sooner. Your captain should be more aware of his ship." She really had no idea who he was. "Must be a fool." She looked at him. "Who are you?"

Bryan continued on in the water. He saw a figure come towards him and he stopped for a moment before a girl was suddenly in front of him. His eyes widened a bit as how quickly she appeared. He looked over her and noticed her tail. He looked at her and raised a brow. He frowned and took her wrist and attempted to pull her up to the surface, however, something fell from ship and hit him in the head, knocking him out. He let out a breath and began to sink down towards the bottom. Apparently one of the clumsy officers dropped a canon ball and it happened to hit him.

(not my best, sorry.)