Thread: iRawr x Angel
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Arc Angel
Sure, I'll play with you-- in exchange for your immortal soul.
Arc Angel is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 02:36 AM

Jace couldn't help but let his smile broaden at the girl's reaction and how she then proceeded to lift him up from the floor. Her reaction was only to be expected, though he honestly hadn't meant to underestimate her with his words. He didn't suspect a woman would believe in any honesty from a pirate, however. What caught him off guard was her lifting him up by his collar, to which he calmly complied, and next action of slamming him into the shelf. This was when Jace's childish grin flickered, an expression of clear discomfort crossing his face as he put his hands up defensively. As he was let down, and she attempted to throw him, he adjusted himself in a manner where he would merely stumble a bit before catching himself on his feet. "Miss, I am afraid to tell ya this, but going after a man who had no intentions to hurt you was foolish," he spoke slowly, his eyes cautiously upon her now, as if waiting for her to attack him again. "You'll be happy to know that the ship's navigator is a woman younger than I, and I know full well she could throw be about the deck any day she wished to. I have nothing against ya females," he then went on to explain.

As he found his footing sure once again, Jace leaned casually upon the shelf he'd been thrown against and crossed his legs before him. He listened to her with a blank expression, amusement once again warming his features as a smile lifted his lips. Their captain, a fool, eh? Their captain whom hadn't found her yet, eh? To top it all off, the girl wished to know who he was. He knew it was rude, but what could he say-- Jace couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Ah, our Cap'n," he began, speaking as his title as his crew would have, "Cap'n Jace Masters; wanted for, what was it, eh? Escaping the marines five or six years?" He was joking with the boast of course, his tone would portray that clearly, but he knew the figure was just about right. Nevertheless, sighing softly, his smile turned to a friendly flip side as one of his hands rose to rub the back of his head. He wasn't going to tell her that he was captain, she could figure that out herself as soon as she stepped out of the lower decks, and he mused that that would be a moment he would relish in. Who would be a fool, then? Nevertheless he had a soft spot for people in need of his services, private or not, and spoke up after a moment, "Sorry for that little outburst, miss, I am sure the cap'n will let ya stay. 'O course, ya shouldn' he sleeping down here after the crew sees ya. I will have to find ya a better place to sleep. C'mon now." He moved to the staircase that he had entered from, gesturing for her to follow him as he began to slip up along the stairs.

Evelyn would sigh as he merely raised an eyebrow in respnse to her tail. She hadn't wanted him to panic, but really? She shook her head a little as he moved to pull her up, her eyes widening in a bit of fright herself. Whether or not he planned on harming her, the thought of surfacing with him in front of his crew made her rather nervous. It seemed, however, that as soon as he begin to try lifting her a sudden flash of a dark object above him stopped this. Evelyn, startled, let go of him hurriedly as the canon ball moved to strike him upon the head. She wasn't quite sure what had happened or if the man would be alright but upon seeing the breath leaving his lips she knew she would now have to assist him. Lest he die down there, of course.

The woman moved swiftly, her tail strong behind her as it steered her directly downwards. She caught up with him quickly, her arms wrapping around his side as she moved hurriedly away from the ship and up to resurface. Her thoughts moved a bit frantically, for while she didn't want this man to die from loss of air she didn't wish for them to be seen by the crew. Knowing if she were to be able to do either of these, the man would need a breath, she moved to press her lips firmly to his in order to pass a breath between his lips. After pausing to do so, she darted hurriedly away with him, reaching the rocks where she had been hiding earlier but a minute or so later. When she resurfaced, she lifted his body up alongside hers, one of her hands grasping ahold of a flat, nearby rock to steady them in the water. At this distance, they shouldn't be able to be seen, so that was one relief.

As her gaze was drawn to the man whom she held up, however, she couldn't help but wander if he would be alright-- and how long he would be out. Sighing softly to herself, she figured they shouldn't stay out in open water like this where she couldn't hold him up for long. Moving swiftly once more, she would duck underwater with him briefly before resurfacing in a small, empty cove with no visible land entrance. She gently laid him out on the smooth rocks lining the water, then resting herself just a couple of feet away to watch over him. As she looked over him, the softest of pinks crossed her face and her gaze drew away. Sure, the earlier kiss was to save his life, but that didn't stop the fact that he was handsome. Handsome and unconscious, which was all the more troublesome. Entertaining herself as she awaited him to wake up, she took up a little singing:

"Upon one summer's morning, I carefully did stray,
Down by the Walls of Wapping, where I met a sailor gay..."

( Oh, no, yours was great! Sorry for the massive text wall... I don't know what came to me, ^^;; )

Halloween hangout + contests!

Last edited by Arc Angel; 03-28-2012 at 02:41 AM..