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Russia's Greatest Love Machine
Yaks is offline
Old 03-28-2012, 07:56 PM

I think if I do end up opening shop, I'll offer to let the person pick their own price as what they're willing to pay/what they can afford. I had someone do that for me over on Solia. Everyone was offering 20k+ for their work and I could only afford 5k. They accepted my offer and made me a really beautiful piece of artwork. That little gesture really stuck with me. Sure, yeah, it's about the profit (but I make that IRL anyway, there isn't much I can do with fake money), but it should be more than that.

It is crazy that chibis go for 1mil. I mean, yeah they're cute, but holy shit I wouldn't pay that much. The elitism on Gaia also bothers me. If they're ~super popular~ people will pay anything, despite what the actual quality is. I refuse to buy into that.

EDIT: @Liz - Oh, thank you~ <3