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When times are tough..... chuck the Axe at the dude trying to choke you with it.
PhoenixNeko is offline
Old 04-05-2012, 04:35 PM

*Name: Allee Etta Marrieso (Ally Eta Mar-rie-so)
*Nickname: Allee
*Age: 18
*Appearance: Long plat. blonde hair that falls to the back of her knees. Chin length bangs dyed pink. Loves to dress up in frilly and floaty type dresses, especially the type that floats and flies around in the breaze. She has bright blue eyes that shimmer with an almost constant mischief.
*History: The daughter of the Faerie cheiftan, she's always been a little wild and unruly. She was dating a Vampire boy, when her mother and father kept telling her that she was not to date anyone. On her 17th birthday, her mother started prepping her for her wedding. She had been excited about it, with the hope that she would be marrying her sweetheart, but soon learned that it was an arranged marriage to a demon prince. Growing up she was taught to one day be Chieftain but it appears that is now not what would happen. Her sister is taking her place. Her training stopped on her 17th birthday.
*Personality: She is willing to accept people for who they are inside and not by what their bloodline may be. She is smart, bubbly, and perky. Loves to play games, and is often willing to turn anything into one. When she makes friends with someone she will do whatever she can to protect them, but she doesn't become friends easily.
*Special Abilities: Allee is a Fae of Fire. She can manipulate it into doing what she wills of it. She only began her training at 14 so her level of training is still at beginner level. If she doesn't use magic it will eventually eat her away from the inside. She also has skill with the twin daggers that she has been training with since she was 10. This is all training because of her bloodline.