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Angeal Pureheart
Angeal Pureheart is offline
Old 04-06-2012, 05:47 PM

As Jake lay in the grass he tuned out Viren's pleas. "If he truly wanted what he is begging for then why did he act the way he did?" He asked himself outloud. "Why act like I am angry with him when clearly I am not." In his confusion he did not sence a dark power slowly moving towards him. Soon the power was right above him and dropped down onto him scaring him.

"Jakey" A familiar voice called his name in its usual emotionless monotone..

"Justin? Is that you?" Jake asked a little suprised. That's what Justin looks like.

"Well who else would it be that could sneak up on you so easliy Jakey." Said his ex hudband.

"The only reason you can do that is because of our marriage. And you broke that of centuries ago. I still have not dealt with all of the feelings you left with me." He said lightly glaring at the other.

Justin looked back at him with his singular eye and melted lightly. "You know I cant stand seeing you upset."

"Then why did you leave me?" Jake shouted as he started to cry lightly.

((Hand just crampped so you make a post lol))