Thread: Night Terrors
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 06:37 AM

"Alright. I won't let whatever he says get to my head. I trust you." As they started moving, Zach smiled a bit. "Yeah. Let's just say I'm taken." He sent a slightly apologetic look to Aurelia. "Sorry." With Lilly in one arm, he started forward. They had to get to the shelter before they were overwhelmed.

As they walked, he felt Scarlett's fingers bump his. Their hands linked, and Harper sent a small smile to his companion. "Alex always said you liked holding hands," he said quietly, though he obviously regretted mentioning the boy after he'd done so. "I always wanted to hold yours." Zach was very skilled at digging his own graves.

They fell into silence as they walked, listening for the infected as they moved down multiple streets. The only sound was the clicking of Aurelia's heels and her whining. When the shelter was in sight, Zach breathed a sigh of relief. So far there had been no trouble.
Aurelia pushed her way between Scarlett and Zach, and the male frowned a bit. "Please don't," he he said, reaching for Scarlett's hand again. Somehow he found his fingers linked with Aurelia's instead as she intercepted him. "I like them both," he admitted, though was mentally smacking himself for saying so. "But we really shouldn't be talking. The infected could hear us."

Blushing, Zach turned his gaze to the shelter. It was boarded up and dark - perhaps there were survivors inside? He tried to pull his hand away from Aurelia as they moved forward. "We should look around the back for a way in. Maybe there's a partially boarded window or something." He was right: there was a window that was large enough for a woman to slide inside of and pull away the rest of the boards so the rest of them could enter.
"Aurelia," Zach gave her hand a squeeze, "can you get inside and let us in?" From what he could see there was no movement inside. It didn't smell bad, which meant nothing was dead and rotting. Perhaps it was a safe haven.