Thread: Night Terrors
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 05:45 PM

Zach laughed as Lilly accepted the chocolate. It seemed that she was already warming up to Scarlett. It was a good sight to see. His little sister didn't smile, but she was close to it.
He glanced back to Aurelia as she took the pack, and his smile grew a bit larger. "In a time like this, ruined clothes are the least of our worries. You should probably find a decent pair of shoes. And better clothes." His brown eyes filled with laughter. "It might help that limp in your step, Aura."

When they headed upstairs Zach was glad to have Scarlett's hand in his again. "I understand," he said quietly, knowing that the woman worried for Nym's safety. "Something tells me he can hold his own, though." They broke hands in order to look around and get situated. There were makeshift beds scattered about. It was strange to see such a well-equipped and prepared area without any people in it. There must have been a reason to move on.
Zach gathered Lilly up against him and started talking to her quietly. It was moments later when the child chose a bed, one that was close to the corner. When her brother had her ready and tucked in, the girl stared at him until he sat down and bowed his head. The child mimicked the action, and a few seconds later Harper was praying with his little sister. When finished, he leaned over to kiss Lilly's head . . . and then Mr. Snuggles', because he was offered up to him.

"We'd best get as much sleep as we can," Zach suggested, glancing at Scarlett as she looked out at the night below. "He'll be alright, Scarlett. He's a big boy." They hadn't heard any more gunshots, so hopefully that meant Nym was settling down for the night somewhere.
Choosing a bed beside his sister (these beds were basically sleeping bags and blankets), Zach reached out to stroke the girl's hair and whisper a few things to her. Lilly was already drifting off, tired after their day of travel and excitement. When she finally did fall asleep, Harper looked up to the others. "We're lucky to be here. We'll have to search for food in the morning."

He sent a slightly disappointed look at Aurelia as she reprimanded Scarlett for searching the night. "Aura, how about you get some rest?" Zach smiled a bit. "There's no harm in her looking, is there?"