Thread: Night Terrors
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 08:17 PM

Nym narrowed his eyes at her mentioning of his job, taking another draw from his cigarette. He breathed out slowly not agreeing or disagreeing: it was true, though. He'd never mentioned his work, and he always shot down her questions about it. Apparently it paid well, though. He'd always been well equipped. Looking back, he'd always been well-equipped for an apocalypse.
"I came back because I didn't want you dead, Scar." That was why he came back recently. "We all lost something in this. Regret is pointless." He'd never been too fond of Alex, but he'd understood why Scarlett cared. When he heard the self-directed anger in the woman's voice, he leaned his head back against the wall and stared at the ceiling. Nym apparently had no consoling words for her. He rarely did at any given time.

"Like I said, I don't want you dead." He looked at the stairs again, and then stared at the burning stick in his hand. The glow illuminated his features, showing nothing but the uncaring mask he usually wore. "Besides, I needed somewhere to rest without getting eaten." He chuckled as though the statement was ironic. "Not that it matters."

Scarlett's statement made him smile a bit. "And I thought you were dead. Lucky us." He glanced toward Zach and Lilly with a slight smirk. "Isn't he your neighbor? That kid that likes Alex?" He ignored Scarlett's surprise at finding him alive and well. Honestly, it was a common thing. Nym ignored a lot of things in every situation.