Thread: Night Terrors
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See you later, Cole. "How do you know?"
Esmme is offline
Old 04-09-2012, 10:36 PM

Nym smiled without looking at Scarlett. "I know how to get things from you without you knowing." He lifted an unlit cigarette to his lips and smiled a bit. "You sleep deeply when you have male company."

He let her take the gun with a smirk, and then moved on to the next weapon. It wasn't long before they were all fixed up and ready to go. "Sleeping beauty, eh?" He looked over at Aurelia for a moment before reaching for his pistol. Even Lilly saw, and she covered her ears just before he fired off a shot.

"Are you crazy?!" Zach stood, moving toward the window to look out at the street below. "You'll get us trapped in here by firing off!"

Nym shrugged, watching as Aurelia freaked out. "Bright and early, Sunshine." He then tossed the empty bullet shell at the blonde. "Eat. You'll need it." He looked to Scarlett then, and his expression changed slightly. "You'll need it too, Scar. Just something small."

When things calmed down a bit, Zach moved to sit beside his sister. She had already chosen a can of chicken noodle soup to eat, and had opened it all on her own (with Scarlett's instruction). Instead of using a spoon, she sipped from the broth and sucked up the noodles with it. Zach knew she wouldn't finish it, so he'd make sure none of it went to waste. "We have food and shelter. Why are you so eager to leave?"

Nym smiled slightly, looking over at the window. "Because this place isn't meant to hold off the hordes, Lover-boy."

"My name is Zach," Harper said with a frown, not liking the name that was being placed upon him.

"Sure thing." Nym ignored it . . . he had a severe case of selective hearing.