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Woodlandnymph is offline
Old 04-10-2012, 04:45 AM

Crafting Creations
Spring is here! Everything is starting to bloom and creativity is a buzzing! I don't know about you, but I always get a surge of craftiness, and can't help but make some goodies when the weather gets nice. So, show me what you got!

To highlight all your creativeness, there are a few categories that you can enter.

Here are your options:

Natural Objects:
Make a craft ONLY with found objects from nature! Moss, sticks, stones, etc. Use your imaginations! Build me a faery house, do a mosaic... The possibilities are endless. You are allowed to use adhesives like glue if needed BUT you are only allowed to use one non-natural thing in your craft.

For example: If I made a collage out of pebbles, sticks, and moss, I am allowed to use glue and another non-natural item of my choosing (I would choose glitter <<insert evil glitter laugh here>>).

What kind of baked goods or meals are you making in the spring? It's all about seasonal flavors! Fresh herbs, spring vegetables, and deserts are what we are looking for here!

Nature Themed:
You may use whatever medium and materials you'd like so long as it involves the great outdoors. Plants, animals, outdoor activities, and everything in between.

Trending Crafts!:
Are you as addicted to Pintrest and Tumblr as I am? I hope so, cause here is your chance to show off arts and crafts that you've been dying to try. Repurposed bottles, melted crayon art, and all the other goodies floating around on Pintrest. Please include a reference photo/link of the original craft. Entries without an original link will not be accepted.
For example here are a few amazing crafts I found through Pintrest:
Yarn Chandelier Tutorial
DIY Chalkboard Trays
Canvas Photo Transfers

Last edited by Woodlandnymph; 06-14-2012 at 03:26 AM..