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Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-19-2012, 07:17 AM

One of the first mate's eyebrows twitched up slightly. Having large eyes were a wonderful thing to pick up on body language.. and she saw just the slightest discomfort at his mention of the captain. Quietly to herself she wondered about something, but sipped her tea and decided to keep it to herself for now. She still had to size the man's worth up after all.

"Well, if you're expecting a suite with a guest bath, you'll be disappointed. There are crew dorms below, each room as a little common area and two separate rooms with two beds. I'll have Horris see to finding you a sleeping area. Seeing your size.." she trailed off for a moment," we way have to make different arrangements."

"He could sleep with the captain!" someone yelled further along deck. The crew laughed as she rolled her eyes and groaned, but the smallest hint of a smile touched the corner of her lips.

"While the captain does like to share, I think he'll need his own bed thank you!" she shouted back. "As for rules, I would hope most of them would be common sense to you." Lei handed her empty cup to Horris, who tromped back to where he was sitting before. "We're.. like a family, you see. We share, we laugh, and we watch each others backs. No one gets special treatment. Your rank is your worth and your heart. Not just your talent, Mr. Valon. We don't judge on appearances, like certain people."

With that she returned to her seat. "You see the men down there sortin' everything out. So, go help," she waved him on," have fun and quit taking everything so damn seriously. It's nerve wracking. I'm sure the Captain will be coming out shortly, so try not to get too distracted, right?" With a knowing arch of her brow, she twirled her chair back around and resumed her duties.