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Mr Wink
Shut up, Wesley.
Mr Wink is offline
Old 04-20-2012, 04:11 AM

"I can favor you all I damn well want, it's my ship isn't it?" he smiled. Though he didn't think it was appropriate to boast to Valon, the crew new fully well that if someone was willing and that Bram was interested, he didn't have qualms with taking them to his bed. Surprisingly what he had in mind for Valon wasn't so libido driven. Mostly. His crew might give Valon some shit about the Captain fancying him, but hopefully that would be it.

"And of course I'm not going to give up my bed to a cargo man, are you not right in the head?" he laughed and stood to walk to the com.

"My dearest, sweetest, most beatiful first mate?" he called over it. There was a long pause before he was answered.
"What did you do?"
"Make arrangements for Mr. Valon for tomorrow, he's going to be staying with me tonight."
"Really? Really, Bram? Didn't we just talk about this? He isn't some schmuck you picked up as a hitchhiker. He's part of the crew. Remember? Because I completely remember discussing this."

In the background, Horris could be heard grumbling something before Lei continued," And Horris brings up a good point. You two were at each others throats a few hours ago!"

"Think of it as a family quarrel. We got everything out in the open and now we feel better. Isn't that just wonderful, love?"
"Fine. Fine. Don't listen to me. I'm just crazy. Horris and I are going to bed, we're putting the ship on Autopilot, captain."
"Well done darling! And I'll remind you not to play favorites with our 3rd in command now," he finished, turning off the com and cutting off Lei right before she could spat back a retort. She was good at those and Bram didn't feel like being outdone.

"So!" he twirled around to face his old friend with a dumb grin," Looks like that's settled. When you're done eating, feel free to join me in the cabin." Bram twitched an eyebrow up suggestively, then moved to the bedroom.

If Valon was behind him immediately or not, he didn't care. He honestly was tired and well, kind of excited to have a sleep over of sorts with the half-kaftrigian.. They could talk privately and it would be like they were teenagers again. Sort of. Only with more body hair and some really messed up personal experiences to add in to the mix. The cyborg peeled off his clothes down to his black boxer-briefed, then flopped on to the bed with a moan of contentment - head face first into the pillow.