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Awesome doesn't even begin to explain me~
Wavi is offline
Old 04-25-2012, 10:26 PM

"Her vampire? Since when does she own me?" Wrapping an arm around Pepper, he waved his free hand between the two. "Pepper, I've been watching your books lately. All of them revolve around being lonely and coping with it. Or was it that they all revolved around romance? Pepper! Pepper, Pepper, Pepper! Calister hates love, you know this. Please, please don't kill my butler."

Once again, he missed the mark… by a mile. Was he doing it on purpose? No, not at all. In all honestly, he had no idea that the woman was helplessly in love with him. Had he known, he might not have invited another woman into his house, especially such a gorgeous one.

Cackling at Tessa's comment about coffins, the vampire was practically rolling on the floor by now. "No, no, no. None of us sleep in them! Not in this household. We all have beds. None of us turn into bats. And, believe it or not, we all eat normal food twice a day -- Pepper eats it three times." He had to make sure he remembered to include the human that lived in the house. Didn't want to make Tessa feel awkward if she ever asked for food.

Zipping around to the fridge, he pulled it open to point at a whole slew of typical food eaten by humans. "Calister and I might be vampires, but, no offense, blood isn't all that tasty. He would disagree, but he still loves his breakfast. Waffles are his favorite. I'm more a pancake kind of guy. We both like our omelets, too." Yanking open the freezer, he reached for another door, but immediately withdrew his hand. "Bloodbox. Don't go in there." Head whipping toward Pepper, he smirked. "Pepper doesn't like to be reminded of Calister's vampire-nature. She goes out of her way to mask it. Anything in a box within a closet, fridge, room - whatever - means it's vampire related. There's a small red 'X' on it, too."

With the freezer still open, Serk reached his ice cold hands into the frosty box and pulled out three freezer pops. "These are my favorite. Pepper, really need to stop reading my mind. It creeps me out." Eyes shifting blue for a moment, he etched in the ice something foreign. Within seconds, some ice crystals grew from the thin layer. "You can cross off buying ice, Pepper. I can just make it."

Eyes going wide, he rushed back to Tessa. "I need your identification number, full name, finger prints, and a spec of blood, stat! Calister could come home early and I need to make sure you're untouchable!" Serk glared over to where Pepper was standing. "What's gotten into her? She's been acting weird. Maybe she cut too much hair off and has lost her wits?"

With a shrug, he yanked the other human into the living room. That room, unlike the rest of the house, was simply stunning. It was gold, red, and black themed. The couches had red cushions, trimmed with golden wood. The window frames were gold, too, and the curtains were red and with black vine-like patterns. On the cherry end tables sat candles that gave off the scent of vanilla and lavender.

"This page, if you please," he said while shoving a book into the woman's chest.