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Can I please come down? ~Simple Plan's song "Astronaut"
maidenroseheart is offline
Old 05-07-2012, 02:35 AM

With breakfast out of the way, the day's work began in earnest. She headed out to the paddock with a saddlebag on one arm and a cup of coffee in another. Her foreman met her at the gate. "Ma'am, he's saddled and ready to go. You want me to swing that there saddle bag up for you while you finish your brew?" Handing him the leather bundle she said, "I would be much obliged. Planning to be back by noon unless something comes us." He knodded and brought Shakespeare out for her. She traded the now empty mug for the reins and mounted up.

Turning, she headed out down the road towards one of her pastures. Riding lines all day wasn't her idea of fun. However it needed doing and it would give Shakespeare a better workout than he got yesterday. They reached the first pasture and jumped the fence. Once on the inside, she set up a direction parallel with the fence and started the round. This was something she would be doing a lot. Best get used to it.