Thread: Challenged
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It's quiet, now.
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Old 05-12-2012, 06:18 AM

}Yes, it's a gun. I tried to hit its key features. More specifically, a custom-made golden revolver{

Azzurro stared evenly at the frogling. They had long ago lost most of their ability to physically speak, and indeed, projecting their thoughts into the minds of the ones they indicated was the only way they could. "I... I'll be fine." He said. "You can go on without me, Loki, I'll be back soon.

Azzurro moved close to the ocean floor, disturbing loose sand in little clouds as he gently flipped his tail and moved along with the frogling. Its tough outer skin rippled under the loose sunbeam that dove down to their location, but in an instant it had gone under a large outcropping of stone, hung with drifting kelp and colorful anemones. Azzurro followed reluctantly. "Well." He said, crossing his arms. "Are you really lost, or do you just like putting various cities on high alert?" He narrowed his eyes at the creature. "What is it you want, anyway?"

Though his eyes were generally emotionless, they were nothing compared to the double-lidded gaze of a frogling. Bright, glimmering, yet freakishly unresponsive to even the most powerful of anger, which often showed when one lost their catch of food or had been outrun by this creature or that.