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Awesome doesn't even begin to explain me~
Wavi is offline
Old 05-16-2012, 12:52 PM

His head shook as watched the gang banter and bicker like a married couple. It was quite annoying, but he supposed it was better than sitting in silence. Although, with each passing second, he wondered if silence would actually do him more good than these whining ninja. Not once could they get along. Well, most of them couldn't.

Itachi's black eyes slid to the blue-skinned beast of a man beside him. Kisame. He was probably the only one out of this bunch of misfits that he could trust. Heck, it was why they were partners. Deidara was too much of a cocky art freak to even respect and besides, he hated the Uchiha. Sasori was just downright depressing with that monotone-like voice of his. Kakazu and Hidan were interesting, but they didn't really suit his fancy. Pain and Konan were tolerated, but they were often out doing their own things that Itachi wasn't really given much of a chance to interact with them. There was also Zetsu. That was about all he had to think on that matter. Last but not least, there was Tobi - the nutcase of the Akatsuki. Honestly, Itachi wondered how such a screw up could be permitted to join their cult, but he never questioned Pain's motives.

The new recruits were interesting in and of themselves. For the most part, Itachi just avoided them. Not to be rude or anything, but he didn't really see it fit to mingle and get all cozy with the newbies. After all, most of them were killed by the end of their first mission. Granted, the ones that hung around now were the "survivors," but the raven could only wonder how much longer they could fair in this world that would soon be ruled by Pain.

As his stomach growled, Itachi kicked himself from the wall and advanced toward the kitchen counter. Without batting a lash, he scooped up a piece of bread and lathered it with tuna, which he had prepared the day before. Once finishing up one sandwich, he proceeded to make two more that he would hand off to his partner, Kisame.

"Well, I'm heading out. I think I will scout the area," his deep voice said to Kisame and all of those whose interest was piqued. And, with those words, he shoved the sandwich in his mouth while walking toward the exit. Soon, the sun's blinding light would filter into his eyes, causing him to squint and wonder why he had decided to go out at the noon hour when the sun was highest in the sky.