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Destiny is offline
Old 05-16-2012, 08:49 PM

"Really?" Vincent moved his face a little closer to Alexa's. "Maybe you should try modelling instead. You have the perfect facial structure..." he paused to give her a once over before finishing his sentence, "and not to mention the perfect body." He winked teasingly and leaned back to his previous position, resting his ankle on his other leg. "I'm just teasing you," he chuckled, "that sounds really cool. I might not seem like the type of guy, but I really do enjoy a nice cartoon every once in a while." He actually really enjoyed 3D-animated movies and watched them more than just on 'rare' occasions, but he wasn't going to admit that. He had a reputation to protect.

He glanced out the window and saw that the sky was getting darker with every passing minute. He then glanced at his now empty plate which had once been stacked with food. He had to admit, the food here was excellent. He patted his firm stomach with content, eyeing the dessert that was currently making its way towards their table.

Alice smiled when she saw Gilbert blush at Mindy's kind words. She'd started to get a feeling that Gilbert's past wasn't a very comforting one. Perhaps it was full of rejection and exclusion like hers had been? It would be nice if she had someone to relate to. "Don't say that Gilbert. You're just as worthy as anyone else on this planet," she realized that she had involuntarily grabbed his hands in an attempt to cheer him up, and quickly dropped them, her cheeks turning pink, "besides. I'm not only doing this for you guys... but for me also. I like... the company." She didn't remember when was the last time she'd ever hung out with other people. It was nice having people to talk to. They barely knew her yet their reaction to the earlier incident had shown that they cared, if even a little, about her.

She turned back to Mindy. "U-um... I'm not sure... what do you recommend?" She definitely did not want to confess to them that she'd never even tried ice-cream before. She'd heard it was cold, sweet, and melted at the touch, but wondered what it would really taste like.