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Kole_Locke is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 11:28 AM

Originally Posted by ProfessorSinister View Post
:shock: I could never talk to spirits. I'd be too chicken. I mean, if I was like in a learning convention of experimental magic users I might talk big, but if everyone's just like...whipping out their ghost friends. I would promptly hide in the bathroom.

I'd love to learn something that do I put promote peace within myself? Sort of like a heightened form of meditation. Once I mastered that, then I'd try working on other things. My mind's never settled, it constantly races. And while that's a useful thing in some aspects of life, in others it's not so great. I'll mess up a LOOOOOOT because I'll lose focus.

After that, I'd invest my learning into maybe telepathy, that's a massive power to be had if it was used to manipulate a mind. I could twist whole worlds to my liking just by a single suggestion placed in the right mind.

Then I'd learn telekinesis just to scare my mom. :twisted:
Well, magic in theory is all heresay because until you experience it, you cannot truly believe it as fact to yourself. I have had some experiences that have made me want to further investigate as i believe in it myself personally. More minds have more power than one and as long as everyone brings positive energy there should be nothing to fear except staying away from forms of demonology. Well that would be a far cry though ...