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Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 11:42 PM

They fly to the southern tip of Menewsha and land on the beach. It's so warm, Keyori could lay on the sand forever!

Yan gets distracted by a crab. He chases it and picks it up. It wriggles around helplessly.

Keyori and Yan and the crab start walking along the beach. Suddenly they spot a cave! This must be the place.

They wander in and Keyori calls out for the Easter Bunny.

They hear a faint thumping sound. It gets louder and louder! They peer into the darkness, Yan quivering and hiding up the crab to protect him from the unspeakable horrors that could come out of the cave!

A white rabbit slowly appears from the darkness. It's the Easter Bunny! Hooray!

Last edited by Keyori; 05-25-2012 at 07:11 PM..