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Stalked by BellyButton
Keyori is offline
Old 05-20-2012, 11:49 PM

Keyori quickly grabs all the camping gear and then carries Yan down the mountain. Man this stuff is heavy! But, without all those eggs, and going downhill, the trip is so much quicker! They make it to Skycar in no time.

Keyori flies the car back to town. They need to go to Quercus Magus, to see its keeper, Abel.

It's Sunday! The shop is closed! AUGH.

Keyori and Yan peer into the shop. What now? They try going around to the back. Keyori knocks on the back door. No answer. But Yan finds a wooden door to the basement, cracked partially open. How strange! Key doesn't remember that being there before!

They descend into the damp basement. Abel is at a work station, tinkering with something that looks like a chemistry set. Keyori apologizes for barging in, and Abel is clearly irritated. She explains the situation with the Mayor and the disappeared eggs and the mysterious hidden cave. Of course Abel has what she needs! He shoves a small flask of glowing liquid and a map into her hands and shoves her and Yan out the door before they even have a chance to thank him. What are they supposed to do with this stuff? The door locks behind them. Abel is such a hermit!

Last edited by Keyori; 05-26-2012 at 08:27 PM..