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Crusher of Dreams
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Old 05-21-2012, 03:24 AM

Originally Posted by Knerd View Post
So what's everyone's favorite classic novel?
My favorite romance is a three-way tie between Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Persuasion. I keep trying to pick a single favorite, but I just can't decide. Each has something very wonderful about them that just keeps me unable to pick.

My favorite overall novel is The Count of Monte Cristo. I've just finished it for the... fifth or sixth time.

Do you guys tend to read certain books once the weather gets warm?
I don't really read by the season... If a book is entirely holiday themed (like, say, a book about Christmas), I try to read it within a month or so of the holiday, but otherwise I don't bother to keep up with it. :x

re: Gatsby
I haven't read this yet. I wonder if Project Gutenburg has it. If so, I'll toss it on my Kobo.

re: What I'm reading now.
I'm reading Alice in Wonderland (about 50% through it, according to Kobo). I'll probably read Through the Looking Glass after that.

I'm also reading an old restaurant review book that I found on Project Gutenberg. It seems to have been written between the two World Wars. I can't find a copyright in the file (apart from the 2000-something one for the PG edition, I think) so I'm basing that off of what they're discussing.

So far I've read an interesting anecdote about an extremely rich Spanish gentleman who entertained himself by pouring wax on the clothes of his famous/beautiful female guests to ruin them and then pay for their replacement. And the Spanish guy asked the restaurant owner how much it would cost if he just burned down the restaurant and the owner replied, "two or three millions" so the Spanish guy got up and was about to start lighting the curtain on fire when the owner managed to stop him. o_o;

It just solidified for me that it was worth the time to read if it had any more anecdotes like that!