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Emma Corrin
Li Mei's Ninja Knight
Emma Corrin is offline
Old 05-21-2012, 10:36 PM

Originally Posted by M i r o View Post
Yesss, even though it's not even MY homework. xD I just said I'd write it for someone
The paper is about whatever you want to write about as long as its local, global, or something relating to Sociology. It's for a "family" based Sociology. When my classes finally start, I'm taking Sociology too but it's the "global" one, which deals with more international stuff.

Sabrina?! It's on TV??? I thought they stopped airing it ):
Yes, I agree. Today is a boring iffy day ~
Oh wow - yeah, I can definitely see not wanting to do someone else's homework and waiting until the last minute LOL
But eh - as long as it gets done that's all that matters, right?
And at least it's on whatever you want!
That's definitely a plus :3

It's on a channel called The Hub - it's usually on at 9pm EST, sometimes 12am EST - depends on what they feel like that day lol! There's really no rhyme nor reason to the time lol
But I'm watching it on DVD :3
I just recently bought the series so I'm watching that as there's nothing else on right now lol!

Hopefully it's just a Monday thing and tomorrow is better :P
Although it has been storming on and off the past hour or so, so it's not looking too good XD;