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Cherry Who?
Spooky Scary Skeleton
Cherry Who? is offline
Old 05-22-2012, 06:07 PM

Woody - Thanks! I are space goddess.

neller - Aww, poor little guy. Glad he was okay!

One time my dad found a turtle in the middle of the road. It hadn't been hit, but there wasn't anywhere my dad could move the turtle to where he wouldn't come right back to the road. So he brought him home and we kept him for a few months.
We took this box that was about the size of a refrigerator box and laid it on its side and cut the side (now top) off, so it was this big long open top box. We filled it with sand and got a heat lamp, some rocks, and a little half-log for him to go into. We also inlaid a pie tin in the sand and filled it with water so he'd have a little shallow pool. We named him Samson. He was very good at escaping his box. :lol: I'd come down to feed him and I'd find him halfway across the basement, covered in cobwebs. :lol:
We were planning on acclimating him to the wild again after a while, so we started putting him in the backyard for a few hours at a time. One time he just... vanished. I know it sounds crazy to say that my pet turtle ran away, but that turtle could haul ass! :lol: