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Staria is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 12:34 AM

Nara blinked at the sincere gaze and simple question. He was right really, she couldn't argue with it. Absently she reached up to rub her right side just over her hip, her own crystalline gaze briefly growing darker as she kept it to the floor. There was a mark there... a burn her own kind had put into her skin. It marked her as someone who had turned from the proper path and was to be shunned. To return with that mark through the gates of any Faelira city was to suffer death itself. She stayed silent a moment, not noticing as he looked at another person.

"Kry...I...I am, yes, that's it. So I take the road where ever it may lead me" She said quietly. For a moment she seemed to struggle to find the proper english word for what she was. The english word 'Outcast' simply could not equal the original term in Faeliran. To be outcast was more to be kicked out, it was to mean your very soul was tainted to the Faelira... That you had become nothing but an animal of flesh.

Still as she said the last sentence she forced herself to look up and flashed him a warm smile to hide her earlier despondency. She did wonder inwardly, however, if he would stay now. If he knew as much of her kind as he seemed to, talking to her could have just been curiosity and with his question answered he may prefer to talk to someone else. Inwardly she hoped not, liking his gentle nature and becoming use to the natural intimacy of his voice.

She glanced at the robot as it entered and blinked in confusion a moment. She had never really seen such a thing... it reminded her of a machine but also of flesh. She glanced towards Kry then, wondering if this would be the catalyst. Surely such a creature would inspire more curiosity then her... the girl looked to lost for nara to feel jealous if he did...