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Determined Writer
CADFND is offline
Old 05-23-2012, 01:36 AM

Waves of cold and warmth poured over Sunny and Noah, making them shudder. Sunny stared at Kry, almost overcome with emotion. What could make a being like him so sad? Sunny leaned on Noah for support, whom wrapped an arm around her waist. He stared in the same direction she was. A phoenix? No... A part of the phoenix. Probably someone in close relation to it. Maybe a servant. He had an inhuman glow about him, but one that was pleasant.

Sunny's gaze was soon switched to that of the dragon and... A boy? A girl? Noah couldn't tell. Happier emotions flooded Sunny. Thoughts of love, happiness, and... was that lust? Noah quickly seated her at a nearby table, since Sunny's knees looked about ready to give out. He took her hands in his. Though they could sense things about other creatures, they couldn't sense each other. The more contact they had with each other, the less stress was put on their bodies and minds. Sunny being Sunny, looked over at the dragon and his companion discreetly, curious. Once her body was back to normal, she was going to ask him, the boy in white, what he was.