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Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 04:48 AM

"every life has a purpose, and it sounds like yours have particularly special ones. I am sure your never useless." She said simply and gave them a warm smile. In truth she thought every life had a purpose.....except perhaps her. The fire born, the cursed ice soul who was fated, according to her people, to burn itself to death young. She had simply accepted that as a child, however, so it pained her no more. It was what it was, even if each day she lived if felt as if it was defiance of her elders. That was the one thing she liked about being outcast from her tribe really, defying them.

"You should probably sit and eat though if you are hungry" She said politely. She didn't want them to miss out on a meal just because they were talking to her. Food was very important to true living such as them. Being a Faelira she was never sure what she was when it came to such things. Her own kind simply thought of themselves as 'the true people, and left it at that. Others thought of them as shape shifting spirits or ghosts or some even simply ice cat humanoids.... the truth Nara suspected was something in between.