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Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:08 PM

She heard the sound of someone speaking, though not clear enough to know what was said. She slid one of her blades from her bag and crept towards the sound quietly. The girl did not look like a threat, just another lost soul as she was. She slid the blade silently back into the scabbard then stood. She walked over towards the girl and stood fully now, her steps silent. She cleared her throat to let her location be known before she spoke so she didn't startle the girl too much...

"It would seem we find ourselves in a similar predicament unless you know something about this place?" she said quietly, speaking in english. She preferred it herself... mainly because it pissed off her father. She smiled softly and tried to look welcoming until she realized she still wore her hood and the girl couldnt' see it. She pulled it down around her shoulders, her black ears soon revealed to be real and twitching a bit as if content to be free of the hood. She then smiled again to let the girl see. She revealed mismatched eyes of blue and green as well as pale purple hair. Her eyes were her mothers... her hair was just something that popped up among her demon kind.