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Staria is offline
Old 05-25-2012, 06:31 PM

So she had no answers for her...She hid her disappointment and simply smiled. She watched the other fly in silence a moment. She muttered a teasing congratulations as the other woman said her wings worked and couldn't help but chuckle. She smiled warmly at the woman, but hesitated at the idea of giving her either her real name or the name her father forced on her. Instead she gave an alias, the pet name her spirit guide refereed to her as.

"You can call me Staria, the cat is Yuki. I was heading towards that building over there, maybe they'll be people there with some answers" She suggested lightly. Yuki, who was still on her shoulder, glanced at her. Always so over cautious... not even revealing Yuki's true nature as a spirit guide who happened to have chosen a cat form to guide her 'Staria' but simply calling her a 'cat.